Monday, November 24, 2008

I wanted to begin by writing a bit to the importance of deep ecology or biocentrism in our world and practices of growing food. The belief that nature does not exist to serve humans and biodiversity is a value in itself is essential to human and non human life. We need to think critically as a society about the oppression of farmers and what is happening to the food that they produce within a capitalist patriarchy. Patriarchy is one of the oldest forms of oppression in the world. It is so deep that we are discouraged from naming it and seeing the connectedness of oppression of women and the degradation of the earth. This intersectionality needs to be addressed. Ecofeminism points to the parallel between the way that patriarchy treats nature and the way it treats women.Vandana Shiva is most famous for her work on the effects of Globalization and degradation of agricultural communities and how women bear the burden of corprotization of food production.

I found this article by Shiva informative and insightful:

  • Geopolitics of Food: America's Use of Food as a Weapon

  • Vandana Shiva
  • Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 23, No. 18 (Apr. 30, 1988), pp. 881-882

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